Canned Goods & Food items
  1. Vegetables (corn, peas, beans etc)
  2. Canned meats (tuna, chicken, spam, salmon, sardines) 
  3. Fruit (cocktail, peaches, pineapples, pears)
  4. Juices (apple, grape, pineapple)
  5. Pasta (spaghetti, macaroni)
  6. Spaghetti sauce
  7. Dried beans
  8. Cereal
  9. Water
  10.  Soup
Staples Items
  1. grits, rice, flour, meal
  2. salt, pepper
  3. sugar
  4. Oil 
Other items
  1. Laundry detergent
  2. Bleach
  3. Toilet paper
  4. Baking soda
  5. Basic cleaning supplies
Personal Hygiene
  1. Tooth paste
  2. Deodorant
  3. Shampoo
  4. Soap/body wash
  5. Feminine products (Tampon, pads)
Baby items
  1. Formula
  2. Diapers/Wipes
  3. Wash/ Shampoo
  4. New Bottles/nipples
Items for our seniors

Our seniors hold a special place in our hearts and they have special needs.  Think of our seniors when making a purchase or making a donation.  They need items like pop-top can items, Ensure/boost or other nutrition drinks, animal crackers, oatmeal, raisins, shelf stable milk, whole grain items, personal items i.e. Depends, and shields for senior men. 

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

We’re always in need of fresh fruits and vegetables, potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes and similar items.  

Allergy friendly foods

People who have food allergies live every where including in marginalized and under-served communities.  Help us purchase foods that are allergy friendly; gluten free, nut free, dairy free and other special food needs.